Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What did we do before Craigslist?

We have narrowed the nursery crib bedding down to three collections from Javis Davis. They also have gorgeous swivel glide rockers that can be covered to match the bedding. The only problem is that they are $1500! I decided to search Craigslist for one in good condition & have it recovered with extra fabric from Javis Davis.

Last week I did a quick search on Craigslist & a swivel rocker popped up that had been listed 5 minutes earlier. The desciption said "like new condition, Ethan Allen swivel glide rocker". We went to see it a couple days later & even though I couldn't get him to come off of his asking price...we scooped it up in a matter of minutes at the bargain price of $275!!! He told us they had just moved & didn't have room for living room furniture anymore. He said it's less than two years old & the most that had ever sat in this chair was two of his wife's dolls from her collection. It still has the Ethan Allen tag/receipt attached & it was originally over $1300. I am so excited at how great it looks & we won't even have to get it recovered because it looks great with all of the fabric swatches for the bedding.

We moved it up to an extra bedroom until time to go in the nursery. The only problem is that Tucker thinks we bought it for him to nap in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all I like the first Crib patterns the best as we had spoken about before. The chair is great I am so glad you found it. I cannot wait to sit in it with my new baby girl.
p.s this page reminds me of the Melissa C Morris blog lots of fun.